TIC Lož added »bear« info point to their bear watching touristic offer

Watching and photographing bears in their natural habitat is becoming the leading touristic product in Loška dolina, and TIC Lož [...]

Exhibition of study circles at Jakopič’s promenade in Ljubljana

Photo selected within FINDING BEARINGS photography contest and displayed as a part of the project traveling exhibition Life with bears, [...]

The Museum of Natural History has a bear info point

Interactive terminal with contents about bears and the project has a new host: it is located in the Museum of [...]

Scouts encountered large carnivores again

Also this year, we participated in scouting event called Feštival – an event organized in Tivoli park in Ljubljana. Our stand [...]

About brown bears at the Primary school

On Monday, May 14th, we organized an educational workshop at the "Notranje Gorice" primary school, Slovenia in cooperation with LIFE [...]

Travelling exhibition „LIFE with bears“ moved to Plitvice

The international travelling photo exhibition, organised in the frame of LIFE DINALP BEAR project and entitled „LIFE with bears“, was [...]

LIFE INFO DAY – capacity building for competitive LIFE proposals

The new call for LIFE program applications for period 2018-2020 opened on 18th April. For this purpose, the LIFE National [...]

“LIFE farming” international networking conference

International conference “LIFE farming” took place on 8th-9th May in Ljubljana. The main objectives of the conference were to highlight [...]

For the first time in Croatia the size of the brown bear population has been scientifically estimated

In the period from September to December 2015, LIFE DINALP BEAR project team organized genetic sampling on the territory of [...]

Communication in large carnivore conservation and management – A workshop

From 16th to 18th April 2018, an international workshop entitled "Communication in large carnivore conservation and management" was organized in [...]