“THE LIFE AWARDS” nomination for 2020

Good news from Brussels: European Commission chose the nominees for this year’s "LIFE AWARDS”. And guess what: LIFE DINALP BEAR [...]

The Final Project Report submitted

Last month, our project steering group reached a breaking point with submitting project’s “Final Report” to the European Commission and [...]

Last visit of our project monitor

In September, the project-coordinating partner, Slovenia Forest Service, hosted project’s last monitor visit in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We were glad to [...]

October 25th, 2019|F1 Project coordination, News|

Networking with Greek projects

Cooperation with other similar projects and knowledge exchange is important for a successful implementation of any project. Currently there are [...]

June 13th, 2019|F2 Networking, Uncategorized|

Our last Steering group meeting

LIFE DINALP BEAR project steering group members from all four project countries gathered for the last time last month in [...]

June 4th, 2019|F1 Project coordination|

Networking in the Pyrenees

Project team from Italy and Slovenia just spent a very informative and fruitful week in the Pyrenees, learning about brown [...]

Tourist guide educational course

An educational course for the future tourist guides was carried out in KoÄŤevsko region in March, in collaboration with the [...]

Professor Stephen Herrero awarded at “LIFE with bears” conference

LIFE DINALP BEAR project proudly hosted 26th International conference on bear research and management. The conference took place in Ljubljana, [...]

Slovenian and American bear-related eco-tourism experience

After the IBA conference in Ljubljana in September 2018, several bear experts from USA joined us in the field. We made [...]

Happy holidays

It is the time of sharing memories, uplifting spirits and whispering hopes for the New Year. When we look back [...]