“Life with bears” photo exhibition officially opened with an award ceremony at Slovenian Museum of Natural History

This Thursday, Maj 25th, Museum of Natural History Slovenia hosted the award ceramony of the FINDING BEARINGS photo contest taking [...]

Bear-friendly products presented in Pivka

On Sunday we have presented our bear friendly concept and products awarded by bear friendly label on the herd-guarding event [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR and LIFE Wolfalps together for promoting livestock guarding dogs

Last week, our project partner Provincia Autonoma di Trento promoted a conference about livestock guarding dogs (LGDs), in collaboration with [...]

Bear eco-tourism in Croatia

In the beggining of April our Slovene and Croatian teams met in Croatia to explore the possibilities of bear eco-tourism [...]

May 16th, 2017|C6 Ecotourism|

Press conference on bear-proof garbage containers

Municipality of Kostel is one of the first areas in Slovenia, where we implemented bear-proof garbage containers. At six locations, [...]

Bear-proof garbage containers for better coexistence with bears

In the springtime, after the denning period, bears start to search for food intensively. Attracted by garbage, compost piles and [...]

Two post-doc / PhD positions available in Slovenia

Two postdoc (alternatively PhD) positions within the projects "LIFE DINALP BEAR" and "Development of a multi­method approach to study wildlife [...]

Discover Dinarics is online!

Bear related ecotourism is an increasingly attractive tourism topic. Following the demand, the offer is quickly developing.  Bear conservationist are [...]

March 27th, 2017|Activities, C, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News|

8 young “project” livestock guarding dogs joined new owners

We are proud to say that eight young dogs from the first “project” litter of livestock guarding dogs (nine males [...]

Responsible bear practices presented at ITB Berlin

Within LIFE DINALP BEAR project some activity is also connected with the ecoturism. Ecoturism is providing important economic opportunities for [...]

March 14th, 2017|Activities, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News|