Are you interested in protecting your herd with the livestock guarding dogs? You can find all the necessary information in the newly issued handbook

Livestock guarding dog protecting the herd. Photo: T. Berce, LIFE DINALP BEAR If we want to maintain the [...]

Intervention kit to help livestock breeders in emergency cases

On Tuesday 30th May, project team from Slovenia assisted a livestock breeder, who suffered from a large-scale depredation by large [...]

Knowledge transfer and exchange of experience with German foresters

On Thursday, 31th May, we hosted a group of German foresters in Slovenian Karst region. Our colleague from the Regional [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR presents its achievements in National Council of the Republic of Slovenia

Chamber for agriculture and forestry of Slovenia and National Council organised a meeting “Future management of large carnivores in Slovenia” [...]

New livestock guarding dogs’ pups available

We continue with the distribution of livestock guarding dogs, as a new project litter is available on Sedmak farm. At [...]

March 12th, 2018|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation|

Beekeepers from Idrija will protect their beehives against bear damages

On 25th October 2017, we held an educational workshop at the city beehive in Idrija, Slovenia, where we presented the [...]

January 22nd, 2018|C2 Damage cases, Public attitudes, Public participation|

New project litter – Karst shepherd dogs

The Tomšič farm from Zagorje (Pivka, Slovenia) is one of the best examples of preventing damages on livestock with the [...]

December 11th, 2017|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation, Public attitudes|

Meetings with damage inspectors from Slovenia Forest Service

Within the LIFE DINALP BEAR project, we pay great attention to the prevention of damage to human property caused by [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR and LIFE Wolfalps together for promoting livestock guarding dogs

Last week, our project partner Provincia Autonoma di Trento promoted a conference about livestock guarding dogs (LGDs), in collaboration with [...]

8 young “project” livestock guarding dogs joined new owners

We are proud to say that eight young dogs from the first “project” litter of livestock guarding dogs (nine males [...]