Latest E. actions:

Workshop: Protection measures against large carnivores

On June 4th, Slovenian Ministry for the environment and spatial planning organized a workshop for damage inspectors and agricultural advisors. [...]

Following the bear tracks

On May 27th (during the Slovenian forest week 2015) Slovenia Forest Service and Slovenian Forestry Institute organized the workshops for [...]

May 28th, 2015|E1 Public awareness, Public participation|

Press conference in Croatia

On May 21st 2015 our project partner Autocesta Rijeka-Zagreb d.d. organized a press conference in Bosiljevo (Croatia) to present the [...]

Presentation of the project on the Hunting and fishing fair

On the 9th international Hunting and fishing fair (17. – 19. April) in Gornja Radgona (Slovenia) we presented our project [...]

April 23rd, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Public release

How to behave in bear areas On the occasion of publishing the first project leaflet How to behave in bear [...]

April 16th, 2015|Communication campaign, E5 Media|

Article about human-bear encounters

On the Slovenian web-site an article about the close encounter between a caver and a denning bear was published [...]

April 9th, 2015|Communication campaign, E5 Media|