ACTION E.1 – Public awareness raising and education campaign about brown bears on national and local levels

The main focus of the campaign is a dissemination of the best practice examples of human-bear conflict mitigation activities from the project results, experience gained in other projects and from other large carnivore and/or communication experts. The purpose of the campaign is to gain public interest, understanding and support for the long-term bear conservation through learning to coexist with bears. Campaign will be developed on the basis of the results from the public attitudes survey (Action A.2) and will follow project communication strategy (Action A.7). Moreover, it will serve as a communication support for all planned project activities.

Foreseen outputs of this action are the activities in which project members work closely with primary target groups such as hunters through lectures and round-table discussions, local inhabitants and famers through local events where conflict mitigation measures will be demonstrated (Action C.1 and Action C.2). Through field trips, and other educational (bear ‘kits’ with bear foot print models, brochure, etc.) and promotional materials (jackets, caps, etc.) large carnivore experts will present and participate with scouting or ‘pro environmental’ oriented organizations. Bear kits will be distributed also to schools with which project members will carry out workshops about the bear. Among many local and national events for general public that are planned photography competition and exhibition ‘Coexistence of bears and humans’ will be organized and numerous public presentations about bears implemented. Many printed materials will be produced and be widely distributed such as 1) a Brochure about bears, 2) Leaflets covering three main topics which are often the source of human-bear conflicts: a. proper human behaviour in bear areas, b. prevention of bear access to anthropogenic food sources, c. prevention of bear – vehicle collisions related bear mortality, 3) a LGD breeder handbook, 4) Thematic educational posters, 5) Bulletins (1st issue, 2nd issue, 3rd issue, 4th issue and 5th issue), 6) Information boards and 7) Promotional materials such as project jackets, caps, stickers and other small gadgets.

Informative material.

Communication in large carnivore conservation and management, 16th to 18th April 2018 – WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS

Latest E.1 actions:

Bear talk at the meeting of Carinthian hunters

This month we gladly responded to an invitation by the regional hunters association from Carinthia (Slovenia) to present some views [...]

Lecture at the Croatian Mountaineering Club “Vučje Bratstvo

On 28th February 2019, the first meeting with the members of the "Vučje Bratstvo" mountaineering club was held. Among others, [...]

Bear workshops at schools

In the last few months, we conducted ten more workshops about bears in Croatia: at the Elementary school Gerovo, Elementary [...]

What do children learn in bear workshops?

During the project we conducted many educational workshops on the brown bear for elementary and secondary schools, which holds true [...]

Lecture in Kozjansko regional park, Slovenia

On 24th January 2019, we held a lecture about large carnivores and the golden jackal at the Kozjanski regional park [...]

New Bulletin issue “LIFE with bears”

We have prepared the fourth issue of the project bulletin “LIFE with bears”. In the fourth year of the project, [...]