Latest C. actions:

8 young “project” livestock guarding dogs joined new owners

We are proud to say that eight young dogs from the first “project” litter of livestock guarding dogs (nine males [...]

Responsible bear practices presented at ITB Berlin

Within LIFE DINALP BEAR project some activity is also connected with the ecoturism. Ecoturism is providing important economic opportunities for [...]

March 14th, 2017|Activities, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News|

Natour Alpe-Adria fair and responsible bear tourism practices

This Saturday, the international Natour Alpe-Adria fair closed its doors. Almost 330 tourism providers from 15 countries were presented. As [...]

February 6th, 2017|Activities, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, News|

Networking with IMPEL – EU Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law

Yesterday, the LIFE DINALP BEAR project team from the Biology department of Biotechnical Faculty (University of Ljubljana) hosted a group [...]

Monitoring the presence of a bear near garbage cans on Vojsko plateau, west Slovenia

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team reacted on local inhabitants’ request for information, as they were being faced with a garbage [...]

First Tornjak pups available in February

In December 2016, we announced the first litter of project livestock guarding dogs in Slovenia. Little pups are growing up [...]

January 10th, 2017|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation|