Beekeepers from Idrija will protect their beehives against bear damages

On 25th October 2017, we held an educational workshop at the city beehive in Idrija, Slovenia, where we presented the [...]

January 22nd, 2018|C2 Damage cases, Public attitudes, Public participation|

Kindergarten children learn about bears and forest

LIFE DINALP BEAR project visited a kindergarten in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where we held a workshop on bear’s life, morphology, its [...]

Stakeholders for Slovenian brown bear management strategy met again

In Ljubljana, during the process of developing new Strategy of brown bear management in Slovenia, stakeholders have met for the [...]

Common guidelines for population-level management of brown bear issued

Common guidelines for brown bear management on a population level are now ready. We consider them an important achievement, as [...]

Stakeholders have gathered in Slovenia

Slovenian LIFE DINALP BEAR team organized a workshop with many stakeholders invited to discuss and shape the revision of strategic [...]

Didactic meeting with blind people

In the frame of a meeting organized by the Alpine Rescue Team of the Guardia di Finanza, the Italian Alpine [...]

Bear Intervention Group training in Tarvisio

We organized a training course for the bear intervention group of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), which, in addition to the [...]

Pupils fascinated by the bear workshop in Rijeka

On 3rd October, we conducted a workshop at the Elementary School Nikola Tesla in Rijeka, Croatia. Over thirty pupils participated [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR at the AlpGov workshop »Networking for Ecological Connectivity and Green Infrastructure«

We participated in a workshop on the ecological connectivity and green infrastructure, held at Škocjanski zatok (Slovenia) in the end [...]

Already 7th Steering group meeting took place & receiving project monitor

In mid-September LIFE DINALP BEAR Steering group gathered once again, this time in Carinthia, Austria. At the beautiful castle Mageregg [...]

September 26th, 2017|F1 Project coordination|