A handbook on protecting sheep against large carnivore attacks has been published

The Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, and Slovenia Forest Service have published a handbook about prevention measures of [...]

First »project« litter of livestock guarding dogs was born

The Sedmak farm near Pivka (Slovenia) is best-practice example of using livestock guarding dogs (LGDs) for protecting herds from large [...]

December 14th, 2016|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation|

Bear intervention teams gather in Trentino

On 17th November 2016 the meeting of Bear intervention teams (BIT) promoted by the action E.2 of LIFE DINALP BEAR [...]

A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict

We are pleased to announce the release of Dr. Seth Wilson’s A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict: Strategies and Tips for [...]

Presentation of the Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict to italian damage inspectors and intervention teams

On June 28 2016 a meeting has been held in Trento (Italy) to explain to local field personnell involved in [...]