Networking with LIFE projects in Italian Apennines

In September, project partners from Croatia, Italy, and Slovenia took a networking trip to two National Parks in Italy: “Gran [...]

Pupils fascinated by the bear workshop in Rijeka

On 3rd October, we conducted a workshop at the Elementary School Nikola Tesla in Rijeka, Croatia. Over thirty pupils participated [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR was presented in Rome and Pisa

On September 25th and 26th, presentation of LIFE DINALP BEAR project and brown bear research in Croatia was held at [...]

Bear workshops for scouts from Ljubljana

We introduced LIFE DINALP BEAR project and brown bear habits to young scouts from Ljubljana, while they were on a [...]

How to behave in bear areas

Encounters between people and bears are a rare event in nature, as bears are cautious animals that prefer to avoid [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR on a high-school forestry camp

We introduced LIFE DINALP BEAR project to the participants of the summer forestry camp, taking place in the heart of [...]

Open-Door Day at Vetmeduni Vienna

Visitors had the opportunity to look „behind the scenes“ at the Open Door Day of the University of Veterinary Medicine [...]

Two workshops for elementary school pupils raised great interest

On Tuesday, 23rd May we conducted a workshop about bears in the Elementary school Grabrik in Karlovac and on Thursday, [...]

Opening of LIFE DINALP BEAR info points on the Rijeka-Zagreb highway

On Tuesday, May 30th 2017, we arranged a formal opening of information points of LIFE DINALP BEAR project, which are [...]

Brown bear workshops at one of the biggest scout events in Slovenia

Last Saturday, one of the biggest scout events in Slovenia (»Taborniški feštival«) took place, honoring International Earth Day and Scout [...]