Hunters and bears

How do hunters get along with big predators on their grounds? That’s a question, which bothers mainly those countries, where [...]

There is enough suitable habitat for bear in the Alps and the Dinarics, but it is strongly fragmented

In the scope of LIFE DINALP BEAR A.3 Action we have analysed habitat suitability and connectivity for brown bear in [...]

Challenges in livestock protection on Carinthia’s pastures

Livestock protection by means of electric fences, livestock guarding dogs, shepherds or combinations of these are demonstrably effective and keep [...]

Already 7th Steering group meeting took place & receiving project monitor

In mid-September LIFE DINALP BEAR Steering group gathered once again, this time in Carinthia, Austria. At the beautiful castle Mageregg [...]

September 26th, 2017|F1 Project coordination|

A brown bear named „Rudolf“ becomes popular in Austria

A few weeks ago a brown bear named „Rudolf“ hit the headlines. It is very likely, that he originates from [...]

June 27th, 2016|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness, E5 Media|