Rok Černe – “Name of the week” on Radio Val 202 in Slovenia

After still being very excited due to winning the prestigious LIFE Award 2020 last week, today LIFE DINALP BEAR project [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR is the best!

So say the jury members Mr. David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-President at the European [...]

Awards Announcement at the EU Green Week 19-22 October 2020

Every year, the European Commission organizes the EU Green Week, the largest environmental event. This year, the EU Green Week [...]

Promotivni video – nastavlja se glasanje za nagradu „LIFE Citizens’ Prize 2020”

Jeste li već pogledali LIFE DINALP BEAR video za nominaciju „LIFE AWARDS 2020“? Glas za „LIFE Citizens’ Prize 2020” [...]

Promotional video – LIFE Citizens’ Prize 2020 voting continues

Have you already watched LIFE DINALP BEAR’s video for LIFE AWARDS 2020 nomination? Vote now for LIFE Citizens' Prize [...]