About Nives Pagon

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So far Nives Pagon has created 452 blog entries.

New Bulletin issue “LIFE with bears”

We have prepared the fourth issue of the project bulletin “LIFE with bears”. In the fourth year of the project, [...]

Happy holidays

It is the time of sharing memories, uplifting spirits and whispering hopes for the New Year. When we look back [...]

Communication workshop Report available now

Planning communication activities, implementing and evaluating them are recognized as crucial points for a successful large carnivore conservation. In the [...]

Educational workshops for Scout Association of Slovenia

Scouts spend a significant amount of time in nature - also in the areas with large carnivores presence. That is [...]

Non-governmental organizations received first “Discover Dinarics” funds

One of the basic principles of ecotourism is to provide benefits for the local population and nature conservation. Tour operators [...]

Head of the LIFE Programme visits Slovenia

Head of the LIFE Programme at the European Commission, Mr Angelo Salsi, visited Slovenia on 26th and 27th of November. [...]

Seminar on coexistence with large carnivores in Belluno

On Friday, 19th October 2018, a seminar on impacts on game species and coexistence with large carnivores was held in [...]

About protection measures with AGRIDEA from Switzerland

Coexistence between human and large carnivores is a challenge for numerous countries worldwide, which is being confronted in various ways. [...]

European Commission checks the progress of LIFE DINALP BEAR

In the middle of September in Ljubljana, project steering group received a visit from Desk officers from European Commission in [...]

26th international Conference on bear research and management concluded

The main theme of the “Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management” was human-bear coexistence [...]