About Nives Pagon

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So far Nives Pagon has created 452 blog entries.

LIFE DINALP BEAR presents its achievements in National Council of the Republic of Slovenia

Chamber for agriculture and forestry of Slovenia and National Council organised a meeting “Future management of large carnivores in Slovenia” [...]

How to effectively protect beehives against brown bear damage? A new documentary

Organisations Palorma Nature and Pro Natura from Switzerland, in cooperation with several other partners (WWF Switzerland, LIFE DINALP BEAR project, [...]

Revising Slovenian brown bear management strategy is continuing

After conducting several workshops with many stakeholders for the revision of strategic documents for management of brown bear in Slovenia, [...]

In the field with Biology Students Association

In winter, members of the Biology Student Association went to Kočevska Reka (Slovenia), in order to get acquainted with the [...]

International Forestry Students’ Association learns about co-existence with bears

In March, International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) had their Winter Meeting in Slovenia. Students from Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, [...]

March 30th, 2018|F2 Networking, Public attitudes, Public participation|

A communication workshop coming up!

“Communication in large carnivore conservation and management” is a title of a networking and experience exchange workshop, which will be [...]

Report on bear population size estimate has been prepared

As an output of the project action C.5 “Establishment and optimization of an integrated, population-level surveillance of brown bear conservation [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR at the international workshop about damage prevention

In February, project members from Slovenia Forest Service attended the international workshop entitled Prevention and compensation of damages from large [...]

March 7th, 2018|Conflict mitigation, F2 Networking, Management plans|

Project team meets at a steering group meeting

Yet another project steering group meeting has been organised by the project coordinating partner, this time in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Project [...]

February 23rd, 2018|F1 Project coordination, Population monitoring|

About responsible bear-tourism practices on Natour Alpe-Adria fair in Ljubljana

LIFE DINALP BEAR participated at a Natour Alpe-Adria fair in Ljubljana, which took place from 31st January to 3rd February. [...]