Two post-doc positions available in Slovenia

Two postdoc positions within the projects “LIFE DINALP BEAR” and “Development of a multi­method approach to study wildlife behaviour: investigating [...]

Another meeting among Slovenian stakeholders

The fourth meeting with stakeholders in the process of developing a new Strategy for brown bear management in Slovenia was [...]

Challenges in livestock protection on Carinthia’s pastures

Livestock protection by means of electric fences, livestock guarding dogs, shepherds or combinations of these are demonstrably effective and keep [...]

Stakeholders for Slovenian brown bear management strategy met again

In Ljubljana, during the process of developing new Strategy of brown bear management in Slovenia, stakeholders have met for the [...]

Common guidelines for population-level management of brown bear issued

Common guidelines for brown bear management on a population level are now ready. We consider them an important achievement, as [...]

Stakeholders have gathered in Slovenia

Slovenian LIFE DINALP BEAR team organized a workshop with many stakeholders invited to discuss and shape the revision of strategic [...]

Networking with LIFE projects in Italian Apennines

In September, project partners from Croatia, Italy, and Slovenia took a networking trip to two National Parks in Italy: “Gran [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR at the AlpGov workshop »Networking for Ecological Connectivity and Green Infrastructure«

We participated in a workshop on the ecological connectivity and green infrastructure, held at Škocjanski zatok (Slovenia) in the end [...]

A new estimate of brown bear numbers in Slovenia – the population has increased

The first steps of research on brown bear genetics in the frame of LIFE DINALP BEAR project have been concluded: [...]

Captured and radio-collared a bear in Trentino

On Tuesday evening in val Algone, Italy, a female bear in great health condition and weighing 110 kg was captured, [...]