Press release about LIFE DINALP BEAR international bear meeting in Trentino

Provincia Autonoma di Trento published its first press release about the LIFE DINALP BEAR project. LIFE DINALP BEAR is a [...]

Media release on progress of sampling bear scats

An important aspect in managing bears is to know the population status, especially regarding its size. One activity in LIFE DINALP [...]

Bear family

A bear has been leaving signs of presence in our hunting grounds for quite some time, but it has always [...]

July 27th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Presentation for mountaineers: about bears and project

We presented bears and LIFE DINALP BEAR project to participants of mountaineers' summer camp. All generations, from children to elders, [...]

July 14th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Presentation of the project to the members of LIFE WOLFALPS project group

Project LIFE DINALP BEAR was presented to the members of LIFE WOLFALPS project group. They primary visited members of the [...]

June 16th, 2015|Communication campaign, E, F2 Networking|

2nd steering group meeting

On April 20th 2015 the project steering group met for the second time from the start of the project. 36 [...]

April 24th, 2015|Communication campaign, F1 Project coordination|

Presentation of the project on the Hunting and fishing fair

On the 9th international Hunting and fishing fair (17. – 19. April) in Gornja Radgona (Slovenia) we presented our project [...]

April 23rd, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Public release

How to behave in bear areas On the occasion of publishing the first project leaflet How to behave in bear [...]

April 16th, 2015|Communication campaign, E5 Media|

Article about human-bear encounters

On the Slovenian web-site an article about the close encounter between a caver and a denning bear was published [...]

April 9th, 2015|Communication campaign, E5 Media|

How to behave in bear areas? Find out in our new LIFE DINALP BEAR leaflet!

Do you know how to behave in bear areas? Do you know what does it mean if a bear stands [...]

February 16th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|