Night of museums

On 29th January 2016 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zagreb took part in Night of museums manifestation [...]

February 5th, 2016|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Statement in Response to the Establishment of Technical Obstacles Along Slovenian-Croatian Border

During the December 2015 technical obstacles (i.e. razor wire fence) were placed along the Slovenian side of the border with [...]

We published our first yearly project bulletin

We published the first issue of our yearly project bulletin, LIFE with bears. The bulletin summarizes important and interesting project [...]

November 14th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Project on the Nature-Health Fair

Last week we attended the 46th Nature-Health Fair at Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The purpose of the fair is [...]

Press release in Croatia: Counting bears and collecting of samples has started

On the occasion of the implementation of the action of counting bears in Croatia and Slovenia by using genetic sampling [...]

Media release on progress of sampling bear scats

An important aspect in managing bears is to know the population status, especially regarding its size. One activity in LIFE DINALP [...]

Protection against damage caused by brown bears on beehives

Three articles about the effective protection against damage caused by brown bears on beehives were published in the September 2015 [...]

Bear family

A bear has been leaving signs of presence in our hunting grounds for quite some time, but it has always [...]

July 27th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Presentation for mountaineers: about bears and project

We presented bears and LIFE DINALP BEAR project to participants of mountaineers' summer camp. All generations, from children to elders, [...]

July 14th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Following the bear tracks

On May 27th (during the Slovenian forest week 2015) Slovenia Forest Service and Slovenian Forestry Institute organized the workshops for [...]

May 28th, 2015|E1 Public awareness, Public participation|