3rd steering group meeting and intervention group workshop

Between October 20 and 22 workshops for the preparation of guidelines for population level management and intervention group protocols, and [...]

Workshops for the bear intervention teams in Croatia

Between September 21 and 24 workshops for the bear intervention groups (BIG) took place in Lika area, Croatia. In total more [...]

October 1st, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation|

Action plan for reducing road mortality of brown bear in Slovenia

Action plan for the implementation of the mitigation measures for reducing road mortality of brown bear in Slovenia, which was [...]

July 13th, 2015|A4 Bear-vehicle collisions, Bear mortality|

Exchange experience – Romania

Between June 16 and 21 our project team visited Romania for an exchange experience between LIFE projects. The contents of [...]

Bear intervention group meeting

On April 21st and April 22nd the workshop for the members of the intervention groups for large carnivores took place [...]

April 25th, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation|

Focus groups about bears and bear management

Understanding public attitudes towards bears and bear management is one of the key requirements for successful planning of management measures. [...]

Analysis of human-bear conflicts

We finished with the analysis of registered human-bear conflict cases. Analysis was performed within Action A.1. We analysed the occurence [...]

April 15th, 2015|A1 Conflict analysis, Conflict mitigation|

Attitudes of humans toward bears and brown bear management in Croatia

Within a scope of Action A.2 of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project named „Attitudes of humans toward bears and brown [...]

January 15th, 2015|A2 Public attitudes, Public attitudes|