ACTION F.2 – Networking with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects

To ensure dissemination and exchange of new knowledge and experiences gathered in other similar projects a proactive approach will be taken. We will organize four international thematic workshops that will produce best-practice guides on the following topics:

(1) Using molecular genetics in brown bear conservation,
(2) The value of bears and how it shapes social carrying capacity,
(3) Human ā€“bear conflict prevention, and
(4) Bear feeding: pros and cons.

Two experience exchange trips will be organized to visit LIFE08 NAT/RO/000500 and LIFE07 NAT/IT/000502 projects. Finally, during the last year of the project an international thematic conference will be organized. The conference will last three days out of which two days will be devoted to presentations and one day to a fieldtrip. Special attention will be given to the attendance of experts from the countries with which we share the bear population and are not participating in this project (Balkan countries).

26th IBA conference “LIFE WITH BEARS”, Ljubljana, Sept 2018 – Book of abstracts

Recommendations for legal regulation of bear-watching activities – Posvet Medved kot vrednota v turizmu (Bears as value in the tourism; in SLO)

Implementing robust genetic monitoring-workshop report and best practice recommendations

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Communication in large carnivore conservation and management ā€“ A workshop

From 16th to 18th April 2018, an international workshop entitled "Communication in large carnivore conservation and management" was organized in [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR presents its achievements in National Council of the Republic of Slovenia

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How to effectively protect beehives against brown bear damage? A new documentary

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International Forestry Studentsā€™ Association learns about co-existence with bears

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March 30th, 2018|F2 Networking, Public attitudes, Public participation|