ACTION E.5 – Working with media

Regular communication with media will ensure that all relevant information about project activities and accomplished results will be available to the public. This will also ensure that public will be informed about possibilities of peaceful coexistence with bears and how to prevent human-bear conflicts, based on our demonstrations in the field (Action C.3).

The goal of this action is to ensure objective and accurate news about bears and bear management in media. Throughout the project we will regularly inform the public about project activities and promote bear conservation and coexistence of bears and humans. Regular press releases (at least six per year) and press conferences (at least 4) will be organized on all major occasions with regard to the project implementation. Popular articles about bears, prevention of human-bear conflicts, project activities and results of the project will be prepared and published in national, municipal and local community newsletters and webpages; minimum three each year of the project.

Focused articles will cover topics about bear ecology, history and current bear conservation issues, bear behaviour, instruction on how to avoid human-bear conflicts or which behaviours have to be followed in case of sightings, and better co-existence, including results from actions A.6 and C.4. Action A.7 will provide additional information about knowledge gabs and topics where there is low public acceptance in order to develop messages to raise public acceptance and positive public opinion. Additional press releases and educational articles targeted specifically to media focused to farmers will also be prepared.

Press releases.

Popular articles.


Latest E.5 actions:

On bear hot-topics in popular articles

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team has published 24 popular articles so far (16 in Slovenian, 4 in English, 4 in [...]

Wonderful bear photos – new posters

Partner of the LIFE DINALP BEAR project Provincia Autonoma di Trento has published three posters with wonderful bear images. Bears [...]

November 24th, 2016|Communication campaign, E5 Media, Public attitudes|

Press conference at the beginning of the distribution of bear-proof compost bins

Municipality of Sodražica is the first area in Slovenia where we started with the distribution of bear-proof compost bins within [...]

A brown bear named „Rudolf“ becomes popular in Austria

A few weeks ago a brown bear named „Rudolf“ hit the headlines. It is very likely, that he originates from [...]

June 27th, 2016|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness, E5 Media|

Statement in Response to the Establishment of Technical Obstacles Along Slovenian-Croatian Border

During the December 2015 technical obstacles (i.e. razor wire fence) were placed along the Slovenian side of the border with [...]

Press release on conflict mitigation among farmers and beekeepers in Slovenia

Conflict mitigation is one of the main activities in LIFE DINALP BEAR project. Within the Action C.2 it is therefore [...]