Latest C. actions:

Workshop about use of livestock guarding dogs

Last week, workshop about use of livestock guarding dogs for preventing damages on livestock caused by large carnivores was carried [...]

Press release: 20 livestock guarding dogs co-financed

In the LIFE DINALP BEAR project we are engaged in preventing damage caused by large carnivores to human property. Livestock [...]

Brown bear presence and spatial planning in Croatia

In Croatia, Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb organized an educational seminar for different experts working in spatial planning [...]

Workshop for Transboundary Monitoring of Brown Bear Population

Efforts towards population-level monitoring has been one of the crucial objectives of our project. A two-day workshop entitled “Transboundary Harmonization [...]

Another bear radio-collared in the Prealpine zone

After our previous bear capture for research and management purpose in the Prealpine hills of Slovenia, another alarm message set [...]

Handbook for integrating brown bear presence in spatial planning

In the Dinarics, traffic related mortality represents a major cause of brown bear mortality and also limits bear expansion into [...]