
Intervention kit to help livestock breeders in emergency cases

On Tuesday 30th May, project team from Slovenia assisted a livestock breeder, who suffered from a large-scale depredation by large [...]

Knowledge transfer and exchange of experience with German foresters

On Thursday, 31th May, we hosted a group of German foresters in Slovenian Karst region. Our colleague from the Regional [...]

LIFE Capacity building Slovenia supports applicants for the new call of proposals

The project LIFE Capacity building Slovenia held an information workshop for applicants for EU LIFE funding in Ljubljana, Slovenia. They [...]

June 1st, 2018|F2 Networking, Public participation|

Tracking large carnivores – Open Door Day at Slovenia Forest Service and Slovenian Forestry Institute

On Tuesday, May 29th, Open day was organised as part of the “Week of Forests” at Slovenian Forestry Institute and [...]

TIC Lož added »bear« info point to their bear watching touristic offer

Watching and photographing bears in their natural habitat is becoming the leading touristic product in Loška dolina, and TIC Lož [...]

Exhibition of study circles at Jakopič’s promenade in Ljubljana

Photo selected within FINDING BEARINGS photography contest and displayed as a part of the project traveling exhibition Life with bears, [...]

The Museum of Natural History has a bear info point

Interactive terminal with contents about bears and the project has a new host: it is located in the Museum of [...]

Scouts encountered large carnivores again

Also this year, we participated in scouting event called Feštival – an event organized in Tivoli park in Ljubljana. Our stand [...]

About brown bears at the Primary school

On Monday, May 14th, we organized an educational workshop at the "Notranje Gorice" primary school, Slovenia in cooperation with LIFE [...]

Travelling exhibition „LIFE with bears“ moved to Plitvice

The international travelling photo exhibition, organised in the frame of LIFE DINALP BEAR project and entitled „LIFE with bears“, was [...]