A new estimate of brown bear numbers in Slovenia – the population has increased

The first steps of research on brown bear genetics in the frame of LIFE DINALP BEAR project have been concluded: [...]

Already 7th Steering group meeting took place & receiving project monitor

In mid-September LIFE DINALP BEAR Steering group gathered once again, this time in Carinthia, Austria. At the beautiful castle Mageregg [...]

September 26th, 2017|F1 Project coordination|

Discover Dinarics study tour

In the beginning of September we've organized a study tour for a limited number of journalists and tourism agents. The [...]

September 21st, 2017|Activities, C, C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, F, F2 Networking, News|

Photography exhibition »Life with bears« on the new location

On September 1st 2017, our photography exhibition has moved from the first location at Slovenian Museum of Natural History to the [...]

A new leaflet about reducing brown bear-vehicle collisions in Slovenia

Mitigation measures for reducing traffic-caused bear mortality are important from two aspects: decreasing bear injury or mortality and traffic accident [...]

Bear workshops for scouts from Ljubljana

We introduced LIFE DINALP BEAR project and brown bear habits to young scouts from Ljubljana, while they were on a [...]

How to behave in bear areas

Encounters between people and bears are a rare event in nature, as bears are cautious animals that prefer to avoid [...]

Reducing traffic-bear mortality in Slovenia

A female bear with three cubs wandered on a highway Ljubljana-Maribor in Vransko district in the night from 10th to [...]

A female bear has been captured in Culvert trap

Setting the Culvert trap for the first time in the field in Slovenia, an old female bear has been captured [...]

Save the date for Life with bears!

The 26th International Conference on Bear Research & Management will be held between September 16th and 21st 2018 in Ljubljana, [...]