DokumentationTomaz Berce2019-11-27T13:51:55+01:00
LIFE DINALP BEAR Layman’s Report – Projekt-Endbroschüre
26th IBA conference „LIFE WITH BEARS“, Ljubljana, Sept 2018 – Book of abstracts
Invitation letter to 26th IBA Conference
Bear friendly map for tourism
Bookmark – Discover Dinarics info card
Leaflet – Be safe and responsible in nature
Leaflet – Support coexistence with large carnivores (Eng)
Leaflet – Discover Dinarics (Deut, eng, slo, cro, ita, fr)
Leaflet – Baren wild erhalten heisst sie von menschlichen nahrunsquellen fernhalten
Leaflet – Richtiges verhalten im bärengebiet
A Guidebook to Human-Carnivore Conflict (Seth M. Wilson)
Handbuch zur Untersuchung von Raubtierrissen
Broschüre – Braunbären In den Dinariden und in den Alpen
Von Bären und Menschen – LIFE DINALP BEAR – bulletin 5
Von Bären und Menschen – LIFE DINALP BEAR – bulletin 4
Von Bären und Menschen – LIFE DINALP BEAR – bulletin 3
Von Bären und Menschen – LIFE DINALP BEAR – bulletin 2
Von Bären und Menschen – LIFE DINALP BEAR – bulletin 1
LIFE DINALP BEAR at the IBA conference in Greece, 20.10.2014 – poster with general introduction to Life DinAlp Bear project (pdf)
Final report of LIFE DINALP BEAR project
Implementing robust genetic monitoring – workshop report and best practice recommendations (Action F.2)
Communication in large carnivore conservation and management, 16th to 18th April 2018 – WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS (Action E.1)
Project visibility and public acceptance of bears and bear management (Majić Skrbinšek et al. 2019; Final report Action D.3)
Habitat selection and use of antropogenic food sources for bears living in conflict area (Bordjan et al.2019; report D.1)
Monitoring of bears exhibiting conflict behaviour and effectiveness of mitigation measures in conflict hot-spot areas (Report D.1 in Italian; PAT 2019)
Monitoring of bears exhibiting conflict behaviour and effectiveness of mitigation measures in conflict hot-spot areas (D.1, Abstract in English; PAT 2019)
Feeding site use and food type preference of brown bears in Slovenia (Action C.7)
Non-consumptive use of brown bears in tourism: guidelines for responsible practices (Action C.6)
Analysis of hunting organizations questionnaire (Action C.6)
Guidelines for transboundary monitoring of brown bears in NW Dinaric Mountains and the Alps (Skrbinšek et al. 2019; Action C.5)
Expansion of bears from Dinaric Mountains into South-Eastern Alps (Skrbinšek et al. 2019; Action C.5)
Cost benefit analysis of different monitoring approaches and guidelines for optimized monitoring of brown bears (Bordjan et al.2019; report C.5)
Utility of systematic counting of bears on a network of permanent counting sites for monitoring of the dynamics of brown bear abundance, fecundity and proportion of females with cubs (Jerina et al.2019; report C.5; in Slovenian with English summary, tables and figures)
Reconstruction of brown bear population dynamics in Slovenia and Croatia for the period 1998-2018 (Jerina & Polaina et al. 2018; report C.5)
Genetic estimates of census and effective population sizes of brown bears in northern Dinaric Mountains and south-eastern Alps (Skrbinšek et al. 2017; report C.5)
2019 Annual population status report for brown bears in Northern Dinaric Mountains and South-Eastern Alps (Action C.5)
2018 Annual population status report for brown bears in Northern Dinaric Mountains and Central Eastern Alps (Action C.5)
2017 Annual population status report for brown bears in Northern Dinaric Mountains and Central-Eastern Alps (Action C.5)
2016 Annual population status report for brown bears in Northern Dinaric Mountains and Eastern Alps (Action C.5)
2015 Annual population status report for brown bears in Northern Dinaric Mountains and Eastern Alps (Action C.5)
Handbook for integrating the bear habitat suitability and connectivity to spatial planning (Action C.3)
Damage prevention within LIFE DINALP BEAR project (Report; Action C.2)
Ne povabimo medveda na kosilo – Preprečevanje dostopa medvedom do odpadnih virov hrane (Handbook in Slo; Action C.1)
Management plan for brown bear (Ursus arctos L.) in Croatia, Zageb 2019 (Action A.6)
Guidelines for Common Management of Brown Bear in the Alpine and Northern Dinaric Region (Action A.6)
Action plan for the implementation of the mitigation measures in Slovenia 30.6.2015 (Action A.4)
Impact of bear-vehicle collisions on Slovenian-Croatian brown bear population and its expansion into the Alps (report) (Action A.4)
Analysis of spatial connectivity and preparation of environmental impact assessment guidelines (Action A.3)
Brown bear habitat suitability map based on the probability of use (Action A.3)
Map of variation in the probability of connectivity decrease (Action A.3)
Lebensraumkonnektivität für Braunbären als Grundlage für Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen (Action A.3)
Public attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs about bears and bear management – technical report (Action A.2)
Focus groups technical report (Action A.2)
Guidelines for bear intervention groups (Action A.1)
Analysis of occurrence of human-bear conflicts in Slovenia and neighbouring countries (Action A.1)
Populäre Artikel
Februar 2018 – Der Anblick_Die Meinung der Bevӧlkerung zu Bären
LIFE DINALP BEAR at the IBA conference in Greece, 20.10.2014 – Monitoring of effective population size – oral presentation (pdf)
LIFE DINALP BEAR at the IBA conference in Greece, 20.10.2014 – Dinara-Pindos population level – oral presentation (pdf)
LIFE DINALP BEAR at the IBA conference in Greece, 20.10.2014 – The early gonadal activity in Croatian brown bears and its management implications – oral presentation (pdf)
Andere relevante Publikationen zu Braunbären
Fležar et al.2019_Free food for everyone: Artificial feeding of brown bears provides food for many non-target species
Reljić et al.2018_Challenges for transboundary management of a European brown bear population
CDP (Carnivore damage prevention) news – spring 2016
Boitani et al. 2015 Key actions for Large Carnivore populations in Europe. Report to DG Environment, European Commission.
Bear report 2014_Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Bear report 2015_Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Bear report 2016_Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Autonomous Province of Trento, Forestry and Wildlife Department_Large Carnivores Report 2018
European Commission 2015_Defining, preventing, and reacting to problem bear behaviour in Europe
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