Latest F. actions:

Slovenian and American bear-related eco-tourism experience

After the IBA conference in Ljubljana in September 2018, several bear experts from USA joined us in the field. We made [...]

Happy holidays

It is the time of sharing memories, uplifting spirits and whispering hopes for the New Year. When we look back [...]

Head of the LIFE Programme visits Slovenia

Head of the LIFE Programme at the European Commission, Mr Angelo Salsi, visited Slovenia on 26th and 27th of November. [...]

Seminar on coexistence with large carnivores in Belluno

On Friday, 19th October 2018, a seminar on impacts on game species and coexistence with large carnivores was held in [...]

About protection measures with AGRIDEA from Switzerland

Coexistence between human and large carnivores is a challenge for numerous countries worldwide, which is being confronted in various ways. [...]

European Commission checks the progress of LIFE DINALP BEAR

In the middle of September in Ljubljana, project steering group received a visit from Desk officers from European Commission in [...]