Latest C. actions:

Intervention kit to help livestock breeders in emergency cases

On Tuesday 30th May, project team from Slovenia assisted a livestock breeder, who suffered from a large-scale depredation by large [...]

Knowledge transfer and exchange of experience with German foresters

On Thursday, 31th May, we hosted a group of German foresters in Slovenian Karst region. Our colleague from the Regional [...]

For the first time in Croatia the size of the brown bear population has been scientifically estimated

In the period from September to December 2015, LIFE DINALP BEAR project team organized genetic sampling on the territory of [...]

Job opening

We are looking for a researcher - bioinformatics (with relation to Genetics, Ecology and Wildlife Conservation) University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR presents its achievements in National Council of the Republic of Slovenia

Chamber for agriculture and forestry of Slovenia and National Council organised a meeting “Future management of large carnivores in Slovenia” [...]

Report on bear population size estimate has been prepared

As an output of the project action C.5 “Establishment and optimization of an integrated, population-level surveillance of brown bear conservation [...]