Latest C. actions:

Protection measures, implemented in LIFE DINALP BEAR, successfully transferred to other projects and practices

In LIFE DINALP BEAR and LIFE SloWolf projects we established a good cooperation with numerous livestock breeders, beekeepers, municipalities and [...]

Cooperation with stakeholders promotes tolerance towards bears

Due to numerous social-economic questions, the conservation of large carnivores is a demanding process, which is not under the natural [...]

Are you safe and responsible in nature?

We have prepared another leaflet for foreign and domestic tourists with short information on how to behave in bear areas [...]

August 12th, 2019|C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism, Public attitudes|

New leaflets promoting Bear friendly products

We have prepared a new version of small leaflets that promotes buying of Bear friendly products. The leaflet explains the [...]

Protecting goats in Slovenian Alps with high electric fence

We have successfully set a night enclosure of high electric fence on the mountain pasture »Božca« near mountain “Kobariški stol” [...]

Impact factors in occurrence of human-bear conflicts

Among many different possible conflicts between humans and bears, those that are a consequence of bear feeding behaviour are the [...]