First sets of electric fences in the field

On July 22 2015, we began with setting up the electric fences bought in the project. We set up the [...]

July 28th, 2015|C2 Damage cases, Conflict mitigation|

Questionnaire about bear related tourism products

Together with Goodplace factory of sustainable tourism we have prepared an online survey that was published on Slovenian Tourist Board [...]

July 27th, 2015|C6 Ecotourism, Ecotourism|

Bear family

A bear has been leaving signs of presence in our hunting grounds for quite some time, but it has always [...]

July 27th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Meeting with representatives of hunting organizations

On July 8 2015 we had a meeting with representatives of Hunting organization (LD) Velike Poljane, LD Dolenja vas, LD [...]

July 21st, 2015|Bear mortality, C4 Traffic mortality|

Preparation for autumn genetic sampling are in full swing

Preparations for autumn non-invasive sampling of bears in Slovenia is in full swing. In the past two weeks we delivered [...]

Presentation for mountaineers: about bears and project

We presented bears and LIFE DINALP BEAR project to participants of mountaineers' summer camp. All generations, from children to elders, [...]

July 14th, 2015|Communication campaign, E1 Public awareness|

Distribution of sampling kits for genetic counting of brown bears (Action C. 5) started in Croatia

Distribution of sampling kits for collecting brown bear fecal samples for genetic analyses in Croatia started yesterday (9.7.2015) with three [...]

Action plan for reducing road mortality of brown bear in Slovenia

Action plan for the implementation of the mitigation measures for reducing road mortality of brown bear in Slovenia, which was [...]

July 13th, 2015|A4 Bear-vehicle collisions, Bear mortality|

Exchange experience – Romania

Between June 16 and 21 our project team visited Romania for an exchange experience between LIFE projects. The contents of [...]

LIFE DINALP BEAR T-shirt Design Contest

We’re looking for an original motive for T-shirt, as this one on the picture, that will be distributed to hunters and [...]