Članki o rjavem medvedu z območja izvajanja projekta LIFE DINALP BEAR
Huber & Roth 1993 Movements of European brown bears in Croatia
Modrić & Huber 1993 Serologic survey for Leptospirae in European brown bears Ursus arctos in Croatia
Kaczensky et al. 1995 Slovenian bear telemetry project 1993-1995
Adamič 1997 The expanding brown bear population of Slovenia_A chance for bear recovery in the south-eastern Alps
Huber & Roth 1997 Denning of brown bears in Croatia
Huber et al. 1997 Effects sex, age, capturing method, and season on serum chemistry values of brown bear in Croatia
Rauer 1997 First experiences with the release of 2 female brown bears in the Alps of eastern Austria
Breitenmoser 1998 Large predators in the Alps: The fall and rise of mans competitors
Gutleb 1998 The brown bear in Carinthia: History and status in southern Austria
Huber et al. 1998 Traffic kills of brown bears in Gorski Kotar, Croatia
Kusak & Huber 1998 Brown bear habitat quality in Gorski kotar, Croatia
Kaczensky 1999 Large carnivore depredation on livestock in Europe
Kobler & Adamič 1999 Brown bears in Slovenia: Identifying locations for construction of wildlife bridges across highways
Rauer 1999 Bear-human encounters in Austria
Zedrosser et al. 1999 Brown bears in Austria_10 years of conservation and actions for the future
Kaczensky 2000 Co-existence of brown bear and men in Slovenia
Kobler & Adamič 2000 Identifying brown bear habitat by a combined GIS and machine learning method
Kusak et al. 2000 The effects of traffic on large carnivore population in Croatia
Frković et al. 2001 Brown bear litter sizes in Croatia
Kaczensky et al. 2001 Content analysis of articles on brown bears in the Slovenian press 1991-1998
Molinari & Molinari-Jobin, 2001 Wildlife passages in the southeastern Alps
Kaczensky et al. 2002 Experiences with trapping, chemical immobilzation, and radiotagging of brown bears in Slovenia
Grosse et al. 2003 Ants: A food source sought by Slovenian brown bears (Ursus arctos)
Jerina et al. 2003 Modeling the brown bear population in Slovenia – A tool in the conservation management of a threatened species
Kaczensky et al. 2003 The impact of high speed, high volume traffic axes on brown bears in Slovenia
Ogrizek 2003 Medijska reprezentacija konflikta med medvedom in človekom (diplomsko delo) (in Slovenian)
Rauer et al. 2003 Experiences with aversive conditioning of habituated brown bears in Austria and other European countries
Adamič et al. 2004 Problems connected with the large carnivore conservation in Slovenia
Kaczensky et al. 2004 Activity monitoring of a brown bear_a model approach to test field methods
Kaczensky et al. 2004 Public attitudes towards brown bears Ursus arctos in Slovenia
Petram et al. 2004 Human influence on the choice of winter dens by European brown bears in Slovenia
Wiegand et al. 2004 Expansion of brown bear into the eastern Alps_a spatially explicit population model
Zedrosser et al. 2004 Early primiparity in brown bears
Preatoni et al. 2005 Conservation of brown bear in the Alps_space use and settlement behaviour of reintroduced bears
Kaczensky et al. 2006 Activity patterns of brown bears in Slovenia and Croatia
Vengušt et al. 2006 Damage caused by large carnivores on domestic grazing animals in Slovenia
Knauer et al. 2007 Bear culling under the habitats directive in Slovenia_Analysis and recommendations
Kos et al. 2007 Analiza vsebine prebavil pri medvedih Ursus arctos, odvzetih iz narave med oktobrom in decembrom 2006
Krofel & Kos 2007 Evidence of the brown bear tracking the Eurasian lynx on the Snežnik plateau, Slovenia
Skrbinšek et al. 2007 Varstvena genetika medveda_končno poročilo
Swenson et al. 2007 Brown bear body mass and growth in northern and southern Europe
Jelenčič 2008 Genetska pestrost rjavega medveda v Sloveniji_diplomsko delo
Jerina & Adamič 2008 Analiza odvzetih rjavih medvedov iz narave v Sloveniji v obdobju 2003-2006 na podlagi starosti določene s pomočjo brušenja zob
Jerina & Adamič 2008 Fifty years of brown bear population expansion_Effects of sex-biased dispersal on rate of expansion and population structure
Kastelic 2008 Conservation and management of brown bear in Slovenia_IN_Potts & Hecker_Proceeding of the International symposium Coexistence of large carnivores and humans
Krofel et al. 2008 Analiza medvedov odvzetih iz narave in genetsko-molekularne raziskave populacije medveda v Sloveniji
Kusak et al. 2009 The permeability of highway in Gorski kotar (Croatia) for large mammals
De Barba et al. 2010 The power of genetic monitoring for studying demography, ecology and genetics of a reintroduced brown bear population
Ghoddousi 2010 Habitat suitability modelling of the brown bear Ursus arctos in Croatia and Slovenia using telemetry data
Huber 2010 Rehabilitation and reintroduction of captive-reared bears_feasibilty and methodology for European brown bears Ursus arctos
Krofel & Kos 2010 Modeling potential effects of brown bear kleptoparasitism on the predation rate of Eurasian lynx
Krofel et al. 2010 Mating-related movements of male brown bears on the periphery of an expanding population
Jarni 2011 Vpliv antropogenih virov hrane na prostorsko razporeditev rjavega medveda (diplomsko delo)
Kaczensky et al. 2011 Illegal killings may hamper brown bear recovery in the Eastern Alps
Kocijan et al. 2011 Genetic diversity of Dinaric brown bears in Croatia wih implications for bear conservation in Europe
Kragelj 2011 Analiza ukrepanj intervencijske skupine Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije v primeru prijave ogrožanja ljudi ter njihove lastnine s strani rjavega medveda (diplomsko delo)
Majić et al. 2011 Dynamics of public attitudes toward bears and the role of bear hunting in Croatia
Gonc 2012 Analiza možnosti za postavitev zelenega prehoda za velike zveri na primeru rjavega medveda (diplomsko delo)
Jerina & Krofel 2012 Monitoring odvzema rjavega medveda iz narave v Sloveniji na osnovi starosti določene s pomočjo brušenja zob_obdobje 2007-2010
Jerina et al. 2012 Factors affecting brown bear habituation to humans_a GPS telemetry study
Jerina et al. 2012 Preučevanje dejavnikov habituacije rjavega medveda na človeka z uporabo GPS telemetrije
Krofel & Jerina 2012 Pregled konfliktov med medvedi in ljudmi – Vzroki in možne rešitve
Krofel et al. 2012 Demography and mortality patterns of removed brown bears in a heavily expoited population
Krofel et al. 2012 The noble cats and the big bad scavenger: Effects of dominant scavengers on solitary predators
Reljić et al. 2012 A case of a brown bear poisoning with carbofuran in Croatia
Skrbinšek et al. 2012 Monitoring the effective population size of a brown bear Ursus arctos population using new single-sample approaches
Skrbinšek et al. 2012 Using a reference population yardstick to calibrate and compare genetic diversity reported in different studies_an example from the brown bear
Špacapan 2012 Aktivnosti rjavega medveda v času zimovanja (diplomsko delo)
Žigante 2012 Dinamika pojavljanja rjavega medveda v Posavskem LUO (diplomsko delo)
Jerina et al. 2013 Range and local population densities of brown bear Ursus arctos in Slovenia
Kavčič et al. 2013 Supplemental feeding with carrion is not reducing brown bear depredations on sheep in Slovenia
Matičič 2013 Vplivi dopolnilnega krmljenja na celoletno, sezonsko in dnevno-nočno prostorsko razporeditev rjavega medveda v Sloveniji (diplomsko delo)
Medvešek 2013 Primerjava vedenjskih vzorcev konfliktnih ter ostalih medvedov (diplomsko delo)
Elfstrom et al. 2014 Does despotic behaviour or food search explain the occurrence of problem brown bears in Europe
Steyaert et al. 2014 Behavioral correlates of supplementary feeding of wildlife_Can general conclusions be drawn
Kavčič et al. 2015 Fast food bears: brown bear diet in a human-dominated landscape with intensive supplemental feeding
Tattoni et al. 2015 Patterns in the use of rub trees by the Eurasian Brown Bear
Peters et al. 2015 Resource selection and connectivity reveal conservation challenges for reintroduced brown bears in the Italian Alps
Tenan et al. 2016 Evaluating mortality rates with a novel integrated framework for non-monogamous species
Krofel & Jerina 2016 Conservation management of a protected dominant scavenger indirectly affects an endangered apex predator
Krofel et al. 2016 Winter sleep with room service: denning behaviour of brown bears with access to anthropogenic food
Penteriani et al. 2017 Consequences of brown bear viewing tourism: A review
Mohorović et al. 2017 Review of brown bear (Ursus arctos) habitat selection in relation to anthropogenic disturbances
Vranković et al.2017 Lipid Composition of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) in Croatia
Reljić et al.2018 Challenges for transboundary management of a European brown bear population
Penteriani et al.2018 Evolutionary and ecological traps for brown bears Ursus arctos in human-modified landscapes
Bautista et al.2019 Large carnivore damage in Europe: Analysis of compensation and prevention programs
Skrbinšek et al.2019 From science to practice: Estimate of brown bear population size in Slovenia and how it influenced bear management
Fležar et al.2019 Free food for everyone: Artificial feeding of brown bears provides food for many non-target species
Javornik et al.2019 Effects of ethanol storage and lipids on stable isotope values in a large mammalian omnivore